Friday, January 30, 2015

A Sad Book (Or one that Made me Cry)

Title: Night
Author: Elie Wiesel
Published: Original: 1958 by Les Editions de Minuit, Translated (copy I own): 2006 by Marion Wiesel
Started: 1/19/15
Finished: 1/20/15

This post is a little late, but I have been busy working, spending time with my family, and of course, reading.  Back in high school I was assigned to read the book Night in my sophomore English class.  You can bet that if I say, "I was assigned to read..." it means I probably didn't read it.  Most of these books I went back and read shortly after high school, a necessary thing to do since I was in school to become an English teacher.  Night was one I left out for some reason.  Because of it's short length, maybe I had forgotten it.  I really don't know why I forgot it.  So, originally this was my book on the list that "I was supposed to read in school, but never did."

I decided to change what book it qualified as to "A book that made me cry" or in this case "A sad book."  Unfortunately, it is very hard for me to get that emotional when reading or viewing so crying is out of the question.  There were times while I was reading this book that I had a lump in my throat.  There were times I was angry.  There were times I just wanted to put it down and read something happier.  This is exactly why this book is a must-read.  The emotion it evokes is incredible.  I can read about the holocaust in most history books, on Wikipedia, etc., but Night is so much more telling.  A real account of what this event looked like and felt like.  

To a certain extent I am glad I waited to read this book.  I don't know if I would have appreciated it back then, and if I had read it, I may not have ever read it again.  I love books that eat away at our emotions or at least evoke those emotions.  I think when a book does that it becomes more than just literature or reading material.  When we can sympathize with characters (I won't use empathize, as I would never fully understand the pain Wiesel went through), we start to feel as if they are more than a character.  This book is nonfiction, so Elie Wiesel is a living human being, and to know that makes this book so much more powerful.

If you have not read this book, you need to, but be prepared for the emotion.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Book Based on A True Story

Title: As Your Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of "The Princess Bride"
Author: Cary Elwes
Published: Simon and Schuster, 2014
Started: 1/08/15
Finished: 1/13/15

One of the most quoted movies of all time, "The Princess Bride," is lucky to now have a companion with this book.  Before I get corrected, I am totally aware that the movie is based off of a book, but As You Wish is not a retelling of the story, it's a telling of the process in which the film was made.  I am intrigued by the business of film making especially when it comes to films I enjoy.  I think stories like this help bring a deeper meaning and appreciation to a film.

I first watched "The Princess Bride" a few years ago when I bought it.  I knew the film was great from many of the people who were recommending it to me.  I have since then watched it multiple times and love it more every time I pop the DVD in the player.  I picked up Cary Elwes' book not really knowing what to expect.  I knew it wasn't necessarily an autobiography, since it is marketed as about the film not about Cary.  I was a little worried the book might have been a little dry.  The book was totally engaging though.  With each chapter I wanted to start watching the movie all over again just to see the parts that were referred to in the book.

Cary does a phenomenal job telling these stories from his perspective with brief side notes contributed by others that worked in or on the film.  From stories about the "greatest sword fight of all time" to stories about Andre the Giant to stories about how the cast met and how they formed a very special bond through the film, it was great to know that the film wasn't just another movie for these people.  Not only does the book make me want to watch the movie (which I will probably do tomorrow), but I also want to pick up William Goldman's book and read it as well (so I added it to my list for this year).

At the end of the book Cary acknowledges Goldman for giving him permission to write the book, to which he states that Goldman was a little reluctant.  I don't think Goldman has to worry, because this book does the film and story justice.  If you are a fan of the book or movie you need to read this book.  If you have never seen the movie, get out from under that rock and watch it then read this book.  I think it's important to have watched the film first to gain some understanding and then build such a deeper appreciation for the film after reading this book.  As You Wish is filled with emotion, as it is the movie that made Cary Elwes and projected his career.  The book is funny at times, sad at times, and everything in between.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Book by an Author I Have Never Read

Title: Love Life
Author: Rob Lowe
Published: Simon and Schuster, 2014
Started: 1/02/15
Finished: 1/07/15

In this day and age anybody can write and publish a book.  That doesn't mean everybody should.  Rob Lowe is an exception to that, so don't misread this as a negative review.  Celebrities are pumping out memoirs and autobiographies like it is their second job.  It is, perhaps, their way of telling the public, "Hey, I am more than what the tabloid says I am."  I have read a few celebrity memoirs/autobiographies, and many are pretty exciting, some are shocking, some are dull.  Many celebrities actually live pretty interesting lives, but everyone (celebrity or not) has stories worth telling.  I saw Rob Lowe's book at Target one day and wanted to buy it so I did (not the most exciting sentence ever).  I am a huge Parks and Rec fan and read Nick Offerman's book Paddle Your Own Canoe last year, so Rob Lowe's book automatically intrigued me.

Rob Lowe published his first book Stories I Only Tell my Friends in 2011 and it received great reviews.  Lowe is someone who I recognize, but don't necessarily idolize.  I enjoy his acting, but he is not my favorite.  I didn't know a lot about him, but for some reason I was drawn to the book.  Perhaps the original appeal was that the book is actually written by him.  See, the reason why celebrities are able to publish books like they do today, is because they receive an immense amount of help from other authors.  These people are hired to hear the story of the celebrity or take what they have already written and make it more interesting.  Sure the books typically end up sounding like that person, but that's decent writing.  Rob Lowe writes his own books and I appreciate that.  It's so much more authentic and real.

Love Life is a book split up into chapters, each offering bits of wisdom that inevitably lead to one overarching moral...Love Life.  Through stories of his youth, alcohol addiction, experiences on set, and his family life it is apparent that Rob Lowe is a human being.  Many times celebrities almost seem fictitious, which is why many of them write these accounts (speculation).  Lowe is a family man first and an actor second.  It wasn't always that way for him.  He has lead an interesting life, enough so to make some great stories, but more importantly Lowe is easy to relate to.  He doesn't glorify his life as an actor.  He glorifies his life as a person, as a father, and as a husband.  I appreciate that.  He includes certain anecdotes about what acting is truly like, which is interesting, but it's not in your face.  His most memorable chapters are accounts of his family life and background, though the story about the Playboy Mansion is pretty funny.

I don't know Rob Lowe, personally, and probably never will.  I don't know how he lives as far as material goods are concerned, but one thing came through this book.  I don't think Lowe is concerned about material goods, money, or anything of the sort.  He is concerned about memories, experiences, life.  Maybe that's what he wants the perception to be and it's all a farce, but if so he fooled me.  The book went by rather quick and I enjoyed every page.  In a day and age when anyone can write and publish material, Rob Lowe has taken advantage and done so admirably.

Favorite Quotes: Speaking of his wife Sheryl: "I also love her for her shortcomings.  When you can love those, and not be resentful or hope they will magically disappear, you are approaching unconditional love."

"In rehab I learned to love alcoholics and addicts for what we are and what we are not.  We truly view things differently for others and that is our curse and blessing.  We have characteristics that uniquely our own.  We are the lives of the party, the dreamers, the romantics, the storytellers, the masters of the grand gesture.  We are emotional, passionate and capable of a depth of feeling that is usually the source of our problem.
"Unfortunately, we can also be heartbreakers of the highest magnitude: frustrating, maddening, confusing and disappointing quicksilvers who flirt with tragedy on a daily basis."

Monday, January 5, 2015

A Book I Can Finish in a Day

Title: The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances
Author: Matthew Inman, aka The Oatmeal
Published: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2014
Started: 1/02/15
Finished: 1/02/15

I love books about running, because I love running.  Any book that can give me insight to be a better runner is a win for me.  Every-time I am at the local book store I quickly glance at the sports section to see if there are any new running books.  Typically I am disappointed, because apparently not too many people are chomping at the bit for running material.  This time I ventured slightly to my left to the humor section and saw The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances.  I noticed it is written by The Oatmeal and knew that it had to be humorous (both by location and author).  I was delightfully pleased with this book after spending about 45 minutes to an hour reading it cover to cover.

The book itself is a mere 147 pages and it is a long comic.  You can actually read about half of the comic on The Oatmeal's website.  Though humorous in nature, the book has a certain motivating quality to it.  Point in case, I went out and ran 8 miles immediately after finishing the book.  The book explores distance running from the point of view of Matthew Inman (the author).  He grew up obese and lazy and decided to take up running.  He writes/draws about the, well, reasons why he runs.  It's not about health and fitness, it's not about vanity, it's not about completing anything.  It is about feeling good, controlling yourself, and owning your pain, worries, torment, and challenges.  He has advice, pet peeves, personal accounts, back story, a small scientific study on the Japanese giant hornet, and my favorite part, the telling of "The Blerch."  The Blerch is the replacement of the "wall" that runners often speak of.  Inman argues that the Blerch is true as opposed to the wall.  The Blerch is a sort of temptation, a fat, lazy conscience that continually wants you to stop and give up that run for a cupcake or 12.

A side note:  The comic has some vulgar language speckled throughout, so if your not into that, probably leave the motivation up to a book like Born to Run.  Though Christoper McDougall (author of Born to Run praises this book on the back cover.

I could really relate to this comic, obviously as a runner, but more as to the type of runner I am.  The comic argues that there is a proper way to enjoy running, and I agree 100% with what the comic has to say.  It's a short read, it's hilarious, and it may just inspire you to get outside and start running.

Favorite Quote(s): "Running is a way of standing up to all the stupid shit in your life and saying: 'I don't know how to fix you, so I'll just bend you into workable pieces.'  And the day I put on a pair of running shoes, I did just that.  I chose not to combat my monsters, I chose to put them on a leash and take them for a walk instead.  I chose not to fix my torment.  I chose to own it.  I possess it.  I chose to RUN."

"I remember finishing my first full marathon and feeling overwhelmed with a sense of immense pride.  I felt like I'd beaten the impossible.  I'd ended world hunger.  Found life on Mars.  Defeated the Kraken.  But in reality, what did I actually accomplish?  I shuffled, and sweated over a 26.2 mile stretch of pavement before gorging myself on granola bars and passing out in the warm afterglow of a runner's high.  I run long distances because it makes me feel better.  I run because I want to slay the Kraken; I just don't want to actually life the sword."

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Book Set Somewhere You've Always Wanted to Visit

Title: Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter
Author: Josh Gates
Published: Gallery Books, 2011
Started: 12/31/14
Finished: 1/02/15

I think I will start all of my blog posts with the above format for each post regarding a "challenge" book.  If you are unaware of the challenge, please refer to my previous post.

I'm not sure if I broke the rules or not, but I actually started reading this book before the New Year, but I am counting it anyway as more reading time took place in 2015 than it did in 2014 for this particular book.  I bought Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter by Josh Gates on Amazon a couple days ago and rushed right into the reading.  I am big fan of the popular SyFy show Destination Truth, hosted by Josh Gates and was sad to see the series end in 2012.  I was completely unaware that Gates had written this book until it popped in my recommendations on Amazon, so I give credit to the technology that claims to know what I want, because in this case it was correct.

I liked the show for multiple reasons.  I liked that it was not overly in your face about the "unknown".  Unlike the show Ancient Aliens, Destination Truth came across as skeptical, more concerned about the answers than trying to prove the existence of mythological creatures and paranormal phenomena.  I also enjoy Josh Gates' witty humor.  His humor brings a different angle to a show like this.  Last, but certainly not least, I always enjoyed the cultural aspect of the show.  The show was part cryptozoological/paranormal investigation and part cultural experience.  But, alas, this post is not about the show, it's about Gates' book.

The funny thing about the book, is that it reads very similar to how the show is viewed.  Gates uses his sense of humor perfectly to describe many of his travel experiences.  The book is more about travel, culture, and experiences, than it is about hunting monsters and the unknown.  He speckles the book with informative insight on traveling, case files about monsters, creatures, and myths (with his own personal opinions about their existence or lack thereof), and a little into how Josh Gates became the Josh Gates we see on television.

When I was reading many of the chapters retelling accounts that are shown in the very episodes I have watched multiple times, I couldn't help but to hear the dialogue that is used in each episode.  Gates writes in a way that is easy to understand, which is just fine, as he is not trying to be someone he is not with the writing of this book.  As I was reading the book, and now that I am finished, I am envious of the travel that Gates gets to do as his career.  That is why I chose this book for the book that is set somewhere I have always wanted to visit.  This book takes place all over the globe, with snapshots into Egypt, the Himalayas, Iceland, Mexico, the Amazon, Russia, Peru, and many other places.  As I was reading this book, I kept telling myself "I want to go there" with the ending of each chapter.  Gates is very adamant that people travel which becomes apparent in two chapters specifically.  The book makes me want to pack my bag, purchase a plane ticket, and go somewhere, without a tour guide, and without an itinerary.

I don't think you have to be a fan of the show or even have seen the show to enjoy this book.  Destination Truth is not necessarily a guide to the show, or even a behind the scenes look at the show, though it can be.  I read it more as a travel manual, a memoir (which is in the subtitle), and accounts of adventure.  One quote in particular that I appreciated and enjoy is "...every story has worth, since a person takes the time to tell it.  The key is to listen."  Gates is writing of the myths and legends he has heard in the 5 seasons (at the time 4 seasons) of Destination Truth and how the creatures, monsters, etc. may not be real the stories themselves are very real.  Many times Gates gives us this glimpse of other cultures, sometimes humorous, other times serious.  It's humbling to read these accounts knowing there is so much out there.  At times the stories he is retelling from these cultures sound ridiculous and it is easy for us to shrug them off with a smirk of disbelief, but many of these stories, legends, and myths are some of the thread that make up these cultures.  Gates has done a wonderful job making this ever apparent in the writing of this book.

I easily recommend this book to anyone and give it a great review.

My 2015 Reading Challenge: The Introduction

So the challenge is as follows.  I saw this via Facebook which was via  For a long time I have been looking for the proper motivation to get a lot of reading done in a year, but reading I wanted to do and enjoyed doing.  I see lists all the time like "50 books to read before you die", "15 books to read this summer" and I always feel great about these lists until I really articulate what is going on here.  Someone else is trying to prescribe my reading and I hate it.  I hated it in school and I hate it now.  I want to read what I want to read and that is the bottom line.  

The challenge, which is pictured below, requires me to read 52 books total (have to read a trilogy which means 3 books to get the full 52).  The books are not specified below, rather I am given some guidance on what to choose.  I like this method because it allows me to stretch outside my comfort zone a bit, and it's not overly specific as to deter me away from certain books.  I am still given the freedom to choose titles and authors and fit them where they can.  

I have made this challenge my own though, which I will explain.  For the past two days I have gone into my basement, where I have my collection of about 500 books (about half of which remain unread by me, I was an English teacher so these books were more for my students than me).  I had the list and went through it finding books I own, and have yet to read, to compile my list of challenge-worthy books.  I tried my best to pick books I have not read before (the only two exceptions would be The Hobbit, which I read when I was in 6th grade, and The BFG, which was read to me in elementary school.).  I tried to pick a wide range of authors and not double up (with the exceptions of JRR Tolkien, in which I am reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and Stephen King in which I am reading The Shining and Under the Dome: Part 1).  With the exception of 13 books (for now) I own all of the books that I chose for this challenge.  I have this problem where I buy a lot books and never read them, so I thought this would be a good time for that.

I have run into some issues just in picking the books.  This challenge is what it says, a challenge.  I have to read (pacing wise) one book a week.  I have 12 books, as of now that are over 400 pages in length.  Everything is my choice, so by no means am I complaining, it's just going to be a lot of reading.  Some of the books are hard to find.  With much digging, I cannot find a book that is set in Mount Vernon, IA for the book that takes place in my hometown.  My mother doesn't read, so to find a book she loves might be a stretch, and considering about every book she has read has been my recommendation it may have to be a book I have already read.  I have never cried while reading a book, so choosing a book that makes me cry is tough, so instead of trial and error, I just chose a sad book.  I also had to tweak the list multiple times.  For example, the book Unbroken can fit into about 10 categories, as can many other books.  The last issue I foresee is that fact that I may very well veer away from my list, for the very reason stated above, I don't like being prescribed reading.  Much of the best reading I have ever done has been spontaneous, so knowing what is ahead may be a struggle.  I will try my best to stick to the list, as all of these books are books I want to read.

Just as I did with my own students in my classroom, I can abandon books.  If a book is downright awful (open to opinion), then by all means stop reading it and move on.  I can read multiple books at a time.  If I am up for the challenge, why not read 2 maybe 3 books at a time.  If I don't finish the challenge, oh well.  The goal here is to read as much as possible, while still maintaining enjoyment and pleasure.  I will try my best to blog about each book on this blog.  These posts will act as sort of reviews, reflections, critiques, or whatever else the book sparks.  So far I have a pretty good list of books I have listed out which can be found here: My 2015 Reading Challenge.  Feel free to comment on my posts and give me feedback.  This whole challenge and blog are more for my personal growth, but it may spark some inspiration in others.  Thanks for reading and if you so choose to take part in this challenge yourself, good luck and happy reading.